In this
blog I demonstrated how one can programmatically explore several chaotic
systems: logistic map, Barnsley fern and Lorenz system. While doing this I
focused mainly on producing plots or, at least, generating trajectories of
these systems with different programming languages. At the same time, on my
personal web page I have a section fully devoted to this same topic, where one
can plot trajectories of simple chaotic systems right in their browser. Until
recently I had only 1- and 2-dimensional systems, but last week I added
the Rössler attractor and in this post I am going to show how one
can easily produce 3-dimensional plots using only HTML5 canvas and a very handy
three.js library.
Creating 3D images in the browser is quite different from plotting something in 2D – since HTML5 we have the canvas element, which allows one to draw whatever they want on a plane. On the other side, in case 3 spatial coordinates are required there are several alternatives, which might look less friendly. The first thing that comes to mind is WebGL, although there are problems with it – most notably, this technology is not supported by some browsers. Since we are dealing with quite a simple issue – we need neither complex coordinate transformations nor shaders for making graphs glamorous – imposing WebGL’s strict constraints on clients is a bit of an overkill. Another option is to implement the mechanism of transforming 3D coordinates of the model into 2D canvas coordinates ourselves. Even though I love to build something that was created by others long before, implementing a part of WebGL myself with a purpose of merely producing some plots is not a good idea as well. Fortunately, there is the third option – that is to use a Javascript library which helps to render 3-dimensional objects in the traditional canvas element. Three.js is a library of exactly this kind. To be more precise, it includes quite a few renderers allowing to use different lower level technologies to produce images in the browser, but we will try the CanvasRenderer only.
Let’s say a
couple words about what we are actually going to render. Rössler attractor is
another chaotic system of three differential equations. The same way as with
Lorenz attractor we will bring the attractor to the discrete space by means of
finite difference method. What makes me want to plot the trajectories of
the Rössler system is their interesting form. If we take a long enough
trajectory it will look like a closed tape in the XY-plane with one section of
it leaving the plane to rise to much higher values of Z-coordinate and then
returning to the original plane. An interesting detail is that with some values
of parameters the trajectory looks like a more or less simple tape, but with
other values it gets somewhat reminiscent of the Möebius strip due to strange
bents in its structure. To see this we need to actually produce the plots, so
let us stop talking and get to programming.
At the
first stage we can leave the chaotic systems aside and set up the routines
required to produce 3-dimensional lines on the canvas. For me this exercise was
particularly interesting because creating a plotter is a good use-case to try
some object-oriented Javascript. Our Plotter3d object will encapsulate the
details of talking to three.js library required to produce graphs and here it is the constructor:
function Plotter3d(canvasElement) { this._scene = new THREE.Scene(); var w = canvasElement.width * 0.1; var h = canvasElement.height * 0.1; this._camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( -w/2, w/2, h/2, -h/2, -100.01, 5000); this._camera.position.z = 20.0; this._renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer({ canvas : canvasElement }); this._renderer.setSize(canvasElement.width, canvasElement.height); this._plots = []; };
The code
above sets up the scene, camera and renderer, which are the basic objects responsible for creating the image on the screen. The scene in our case
serves as a simple container for the rendered objects. Three.js actually makes
our life so simple that to create a fully functional scene we don’t do any
tuning and need only to instantiate the object. The process of setting up a
camera is a bit trickier. First of all, there are two key types of camera
available in three.js: PerspectiveCamera and OrthographicCamera. Since we are
plotting trajectories of a mathematical system and not a real 3D scene, we can
hardly make any use of perspective – thus, the OrthographicCamera is our choice. To
set it up we need to specify 6 numbers: 4 for the left, right, top and bottom
boundaries of its viewport and 2 for the positions of the near and far clip
planes. Since we use a canvas as a rendering target, the bounds of the viewport
are most naturally determined with its width and height. As for the positions
of clipping planes, we just need to specify the figures, which will allow us to
see the entire trajectories – that is no single section of a trajectory should
fall behind the planes. (In addition to basic instantiation of the camera, I also move it along the Z-axis – with the orthographic projection this does not change anything, but this is kind of legacy from my first attempts with PerspectiveCamera.) If you want more details on the orthographic camera check out this Udacity video lesson and three.js documentation. Finally, we have to create
a renderer passing it the canvas element and setting its size based on the size
of the latter. One last step is to add a member variable to store the
trajectories, which are displayed by the plotter so that we can alter them if
needed – _plots array will be responsible for that. After these preparation
steps we can actually add some objects to the scene.
function ptsToGeometry(points) { var g = new THREE.Geometry(); for(i = 0; i < points.length; ++i) { p = points[i]; v = new THREE.Vector3( p[0], p[1], p[2] ); g.vertices.push(v); } return g; } function createLine(points) { var g = ptsToGeometry(points); var m = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( { color : 0xff0000 } ); var line = new THREE.Line(g, m); return line; } Plotter3d.prototype.addPlot = function(points,color) { var l = createLine(points,color); this._plots.push(l); this._scene.add(l); this._renderer.render(this._scene,this._camera); };
First, we
want plotter to take a sequence of 3-dimensional points and display a connected
line. This means that the addPlot method should take one argument –
an array of arrays. Internally though the things are slightly more complicated.
To make our points renderable we have to transform them to the form, which three.js
will understand. To represent a set of vertices the library uses the notion of
Geometry, which holds a collection of 3D vectors – points. It may also contain
additional stuff like normals and other useful things,
but we don’t need them now. This said, we transform each of our points from a simple array to a Vector3 object and add the latter to a new instance of Geometry
object – that’s what ptsToGeometry function is responsible for. However, this
is only a part of the story because to render something three.js needs not only
vertices but also some idea about the way they are connected to each other.
In our
case, this information is communicated by means of the Line. By default
three.js treats Line objects as those representing a line strip – a mere
sequence of line segments connecting the vertices from the first to the last
one. Beside the information on how to treat the underlying geometry, Line also holds a material instance, which informs the renderer on some
visual aspects of our line. We will use the LineBasicMaterial created
with a single parameter – color. Actually, materials are more powerful
than just something storing color information, but for the purpose of plotting
graphs being able to set line colors is just enough. Now, the createLine
function does the following things: calls ptsToGeometry to transform
an array of arrays into an instance of Geometry, sets up a simple material and
constructs the Line object, which combines the two. This function is called
from the Plotter3d.addPlot method that stores the resulting Line in the plotter’s
collection of graphs, adds it to the scene and asks renderer to update the
scene – it’s that simple. Next thing to do is to create a trajectory of the
Rössler system.
function nextRossler(p,a,b,c,dt) { var x = p[0]; var y = p[1]; var z = p[2]; var nx = x - dt * (y + z); var ny = y + dt * (x + a*y); var nz = z + dt * (b + z * (x - c)); return [nx,ny,nz]; } function rosslerGenerator(a,b,c,dt) { var r = function(p) { return nextRossler(p,a,b,c,dt); }; return r; } function trajectory(g,n,p0) { var ps = [p0]; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ps.push(g(ps[i])); } return ps; }
nextRossler function above generates a point on the trajectory using the same
method of finite differences that I described in the post about Lorenz system.
Because it actually represents the Rössler system approximation we have to feed
it three parameters of the system (a, b and c) and the dt discretization
parameter. Moreover, to obtain some point we have to provide our function the preceding one. To avoid the need to manually handle all these arguments on
each step of the trajectory we have another routine – rosslerGenerator, which
takes the parameters once and returns a function wrapping the nextRossler with
these arguments. Finally, we use the trajectory function to produce a sequence
of points from a single starting point. Its first parameter is supposed to be a
function returned by rosslerGenerator and the second one is the origin of the trajectory. Now we are only one step
away from seeing some chaos in the browser – the only thing that we lack is the
HTML page.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <script src="three.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script> <script src="rossler.js"></script> <script src="Plotter3d.js"></script> <script> plotter = null; $(document).ready(function() { plotter = new Plotter3d($('#plotter')[0]); }); function addPlot() { var r = rosslerGenerator( getp("#a"),getp("#b"),getp("#c"),getp("#dt")); var ps = trajectory( r,getp("#l"),[getp("#x0"),getp("#y0"),getp("#z0")]); plotter.addPlot(ps); } function getp(n) { return parseFloat($(n).val()); } </script> </head> <body> <canvas id="plotter" width="600" height="400"> </canvas> <div> <input type="text" id="a" value="0.2" /> <input type="text" id="b" value="0.2" /> <input type="text" id="c" value="5.7" /> <br /> <input type="text" id="x0" value="-10.0" /> <input type="text" id="y0" value="0.0" /> <input type="text" id="z0" value="0.0" /> <br /> <input type="text" id="l" value="1000"/> <input type="text" id="dt" value="0.05"/> <button onclick='addPlot();' >Go!</button> <br /> </div> </body> </html>
The HTML is
fairly simple – we only have a canvas and a number of inputs for Rössler system
parameters and initial conditions. To collect the values from these inputs I
use a trivial getp function, which basically wraps the jQuery selector and
parses the input’s value into a floating point number. Another important
component is the addPlot function that handles clicks on the Plot button. Its
purpose is to collect the parameters, create a proper Rössler system model, use
it to produce a trajectory and finally ask the Plotter3d instance to render it.
The only thing that I didn’t cover yet is creation of the plotter. I do it
right after the page is loaded so that the canvas element can be passed to its
constructor. Here it is: the plot of the Rössler attractor in the browser!
Wait, didn’t we miss something? Right at the beginning of this post I promised that we will plot the Rössler trajectory in 3D, while what we see now doesn’t really look like a 3-dimensional plot. The problem, though, is easily identified: we just look on our plot from top to bottom and in this case we can’t see anything else than the projection of the trajectory on the XY plane. Let’s go back to the Plotter3d constructor and rotate our camera a bit.
function Plotter3d(canvasElement) { //... this._camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( -w/2, w/2, h/2, -h/2, -100.01, 5000); this._camera.rotation.x = 3.14 / 3; //... };
If we try
to plot something without further changes we’ll notice that the trajectory,
which does look like 3-dimensional plot thanks to the rotation, now fails to
fit into the viewport. To make the picture more appealing we can add some
scaling to the camera.
function Plotter3d(canvasElement) { //... var scaleFactor = 1.3; this._camera.scale.x = scaleFactor; this._camera.scale.y = scaleFactor; this._camera.scale.z = scaleFactor; this._camera.position.z = 20.0; //... };
There is no
special magic to the 1.3 thing above – I just guessed it picking some initial
number and then trying to adjust it so that the plot looks the
way I want it to. However, in real applications we would have to do something
more intelligent and adaptive. Usually one can derive the desired parameters from the relations between the size of the canvas (more generally –
viewport) and the dimensions of different objects in the scene, although for
the purpose of this example the result obtained through a number of intelligent
guesses is good enough.
For me the
picture above is a great achievement by itself, but let’s go further and
animate it, so that it looks more vivid and presents us the Rössler system’s
trajectory in finer detail – we will make the plot slowly rotate around the
Z-axis. To do this we have to provide three.js a routine that will be
responsible for modifying the scene for each animation frame. I define it as
another method of the Plotter3d object. Additionally, we will call this
function in the plotter constructor to start animating the scene.
Plotter3d.prototype.animate = function() { requestAnimationFrame(this.animate.bind(this)); this._camera.rotation.z += 0.01; this._renderer.render(this._scene,this._camera); } function Plotter3d(canvasElement) { //... this._plots = []; this.animate(); };
The animate
function is very simple and does only three things. First, it asks three.js to
call it when time comes to do the next animation step. After that, it increases
the camera’s rotation angle around the Z-axis by a little number so that on
each successive frame the scene appears rotated a bit more. Finally, animate renders the current frame and that’s the moment when we see the changes on the screen. However, if we try to launch the program now, we’ll see
that the plot’s rotation doesn’t look that nice – the problem is that the most
reasonable axis to rotate the plot around is the vertical one. At the same time
the camera’s Z axis points into the screen, so the plot rotates in the latter’s
plane. To fix this we might try to change the animate method so that it
rotates camera around the Y-axis instead of Z, although this won’t
bring us to the result we want. So how do we tackle this problem? Well, thanks
to storing the plotted trajectories in our object the task is relatively easy.
Plotter3d.prototype.animate = function() { requestAnimationFrame(this.animate.bind(this)); for(i = 0; i < this._plots.length; i++) { this._plotRotationZ += 0.01; this._plots[i].rotation.z = this._plotRotationZ; } this._renderer.render(this._scene,this._camera); } function Plotter3d(canvasElement) { //... this._plots = []; this._plotRotationZ = 0.0; this.animate(); };
The idea is
that instead of rotating the camera, who’s position and orientation we have already
changed, we can rotate the plots. Because we neither moved them nor rotated
around any axis, the plots' own Z axis still points from their XY plane (where most
of the Rössler trajectory lies) to the top. That said, we only have to replace
the camera.rotation.z += 0.01 line in the animate function with a loop that
will run through the list of plots and set the desired rotation for each of
them. A little complication required here is to add a member variable that will
store the current rotation angle – _plotRotationZ. If we miss this and simply increase the
rotation angle of plots on each animation step they won’t be synchronized, i.e.
the plot which was created earlier will appear with different angle than the
one created later. Although sometimes this might be what one wants, for now I’d
better try to preserve at least some measure of mathematical accuracy, leaving the experiment with independent angles to you.
So now we
can launch the created page in a browser and spawn a number of nicely rotating
trajectories of the Rössler system there. To make the thing better and more
interesting to play with one can introduce lots of different improvements. The
first to come to my mind are to color different trajectories
differently to make them distinguishable and to grant user more control of the
image: for example to give them the ability to scale and rotate the plots the
way they want. I have partially implemented both these minor features on my site – feel
free to go there and look through the source code. However, beware of possible
inefficiency and dirt – I didn’t put enough effort into improving my
implementation of the plotter and removing obsolete parts.
As for
moving further with three.js, there are dozens of ways to go. If one
really wants to make up a nice browser-based 3D plotter the good place to start
is to introduce coordinate grid and give explorers more options to control and
tune the graphs. Good plotting applications should also include such things as
legends, export capabilities and more. On the other side, those interested in
3D graphics would likely want to see some beautiful 3D scenes in their browser
and could begin with spawning some solid primitives like cubes, spheres and pyramids, texturing them and playing with camera settings – maybe even swapping the
orthographic one with the PerspectiveCamera. Whatever you chose there
are dozens of impressing examples on the three.js website ranging from
quite simple things to absolutely amazing 3D applications. Graphics always
seemed to me one of the most fascinating and emotionally rewarding programming
applications, no matter are you a beginner or a mature programmer. So go and
grab some reward!
As usual,
the code of our plotter is available at github. Feel free to get it and play to your pleasure. I will also appreciate feedback in any form: advice, suggestions, questions and even mere muttering!
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